Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Gnissa And Searching For Spiders

Gnissa Farming Results
I decided to farm Gnissa in Savarstaad pass/Grizzleheim ( my standard 100 farms ) as its said she drops spider pets.  Gnissa is a myth boss with 800 health, her minion is an ice webwood creeper.
Gnissa is a bit of a tricky boss to farm as first you have to catch her,  you can find her inside a hollow log,  surrounded by webwood creeper spiders close to Skathi and Wildroot. Also, Gnissa does not show up on the map,  her location is labelled on the map below,  the green teleporter takes drops you closest to her.

Being surrounded by webwood creepers makes Gnissa a little difficult to tag.  The amount of times I thought I had managed to reach Gnissa only to end up facing two webwood creppers, well it was alot!  Also Gnissa is not in a dungeon,  there is no sigil to stand on. So if she's not there ( she's already been fought in that realm ) you will need to either wait a while until she respawns or change realms.  Sadly I did not pick up a pet from Gnissa after 100 battles I did pick up some more couch potatoes,  which appear to be becoming a standard drop in Savarstaad Pass.  Just because I didn't pick up a pet doesn't mean she doesn't drop one,  I may just have been unlucky after all I remember, ( never being able to forget, shudder ) the 300+  fights it took to get my yellow ghost pet from  King Selfish himself AKA King Shemet Djeserit.  I will probably continue to farm her awhile and log the number of fights but not record the dropped items.  The most common item Gnissa dropped was the athame the Reapers quill,  she also drops alot of lower level pet snacks.

Gnissa midspell, aww look at the pretty lights!

And The Couch Potato Drop!

She killed our queen, whilst she screen captures the drop lets get her!

Fighting Gnissa aso greatly helped me to gain the badge the badge spiderbane,  yep I've now killed over 500 spiders!

Yep I don't like spiders, its official now.

A quick summary of Gnissas drops follows.

For those who want to know every item Gnissa dropped and how many times, the data is below;

Doomfollwers hat - 12
Cap of the lost heritage - 14
Circlet of fortune - 2
Cowl of the flameslinger - 3
Cap of dread - 2

Robe of elan - 10
Vestment of smoke -12
Tunic of atarxia - 1
Robe of elegies - 1
Vestment of serenity - 1
Drape of the white squall - 1
Thanatoid vestment - 1

Footguards of the disciple - 1
Boots of precipitation - 1
Striders of strife -2
Footgear of the firehaze - 2
Applicants shoes - 14
Slippers of diligence - 1
Ice-caked striders - 9
Hibernall footwraps - 1

Reapers quill - 16
Bodkin of fury - 1

Maelstroms Loop - 12
Seal of the tundra - 1

Pet snacks
Chocolate strawberry - 3
Meat soup - 8
Cheese Broccoli - 3
Tasty biscuit - 11
Taco - 4
Moon Pie - 8
Tomato soup - 1
Sugar donut - 2

Spidersilk - 5

Boomshroom - 1
Desparagus - 4
Couch potatoes - 1
Laugh a-dil - 1
Honeysickle - 1

Treasure cards 
Sniper - 1
Sprite - 3
Cyclops - 1
Weakness - 1
Pacify 1
Dryad - 1

Even after 100 fights, its too few to say that this is a definitive list of every item dropped by Gnissa or to ascertain an overall percentage for the drop rate of an item. However, I think it definitely highlights what you are likely to get as well as a few more choice items you may want to work at getting. ( Just remember the guys at wizard can add and remove items from the game ) If you really want to go into the 100 battle drops any further I have the fight number and tally of items received below.
  1. Boomshroom, doom followers hat, spidersilk
  2. Robe of elan
  3. Cap of the lost heritage
  4. Vestment of smoke
  5. Striders of strife, vestment of smoke, sniper TC
  6. cap of the lost heritage, footgear of the firehaze, sprite TC
  7. Vestment of smoke
  8. Circlet of fortune
  9. Cap of the lost heritage
  10. Vestment of smoke
  11. Applicants shoes, meat soup
  12. Slippers of diligence, reapers quill, cheese broccoli
  13. Cowl of the flameslinger, meat soup, vestment of smoke
  14. Reapers Quill
  15. tasty biscuit, cap of the lost heritage, cheese broccoli, tunic of atarxia
  16. Bodkin of fury, ice-caked striders
  17. Hibernal footwraps, ice-caked striders
  18. Meat soup, reapers quill, sprite TC
  19. Cap of the lost heritage
  20. Doomfollowers cap
  21. Desparagus, robe of elan
  22. Couch potatoes, reapers quill
  23. Reapers quill
  24. Maelstroms loop, taco
  25. Robe of elan
  26.  Meat soup, doomfollowers hat
  27. Desparagus, cap of the lost heritage
  28. Reapers quill, tasty biscuit
  29. Moon Pie, Robe of elan
  30. Doomfollowers hat
  31. Tasty biscuit, applicants shoes
  32. Desparagus, Maelstroms loop
  33. Doomfollowers hat
  34. Doomfollowers hat
  35. Maelstroms loop
  36. Moon Pie, applicants shoes
  37. Maelstroms loop
  38. Meat soup, Ice-caked striders
  39. Applicants shoes
  40. Robe of elegies, moon pie, robe of elan
  41. Maelstroms loop, tomato soup
  42. Applicants shoes
  43. Tasty biscuit, vestment of smoke
  44. Maelstroms loop, tasty biscuit
  45. Cap of the lost heritage, cyclops TC
  46. Applicants shoes
  47. Robe of elan, laugh a-dil, meat soup, boots of precipitation
  48. Doomfollowers hat
  49. Circlet of fortune, honeysickle
  50. Vestment of smoke
  51. Moon pie, cap of the lost heritage, ice caked striders
  52. Doomfollowers hat, meat soup
  53. Reapers quill
  54. Cap of the lost heritage
  55. Doomfollowers hat, moon pie
  56. Vestment of serenity, robe of elan
  57. Cap of the lost heritage, chocolate strawberry, cowl of the flameslinger
  58. Ice-caked striders
  59. Meat soup, reapers quill
  60. Footguards of the disciple
  61. Reapers quill
  62. Tasty biscuit, applicants shoes, taco
  63. Vestment of smoke
  64. Applicants shoes
  65. Moon pie,  doomfollowers hat
  66. Tasty biscuit, striders of strife,ice-caked striders
  67. Moon pie, drape of the white squall, cap of the lost heritage
  68. Reapers quill
  69. Thanatoid vestment, vestment of smoke
  70. Ice-caked striders
  71. Robe of elan
  72. Cap of the lost heritage, cowl of the flameslinger, sugar donut
  73. Spidersilk, reapers quill, weakness TC
  74. Maelstroms loop, taco
  75. Applicants shoes, chocolate strawberry
  76. Doomfollowers hat
  77. Vestment of smoke
  78. Vestment of smoke
  79. Ice caked striders, sugar donut
  80. Robe of elan, cheese broccoli
  81. Reapers quill, desparagus
  82. Vestment of smoke, footgear of the firehaze
  83. Applicants shoes
  84. Maelstroms loop, pacify TC
  85. Doomfollowers hat, moon pie
  86. Seal of the tundra, sprite TC, Applicants shoes, spidersilk
  87. Applicants shoes, spidersilk
  88. Reapers quill, spidersilk
  89. Reapers quill
  90. Applicants shoes
  91. Reapers quill, spidersilk
  92. Maelstroms loop
  93. Robe of elan, taco
  94. Dryad TC, cap of dread, ice-caked striders, tasty biscuit
  95. Tasty biscuit, maelstroms loop
  96. Applicants shoes
  97. Maelstroms loop
  98. Cap of the lost heritage, tasty biscuit
  99. Maelstroms loop, tasty biscuit
  100. Cap of the lost heritage.

Monday, 25 November 2013

Wizard Harvest Give Away!

 Wizard are currently hosting a great harvest give away, pet snacks and gold!
The blurb from their face book post is as follows;
To show our appreciation to our wonderful Community, we’re giving our players a free awesome pet snack plus gold to spend in the game. Just redeem the code "thx13w" at
 The code may be used one time per account and gives you a chance at up to 5,000 gold plus a Harvest themed pet snack!
Get your free gifts now because this offer ends December 1st, 2013 at 11:59pm US Central Time.

Up to 5,000 gold now that's not too shabby!  We were lucky enough to receive 1,000 gold and a fancy pudding,

Good luck to everyone else, remember its a freebie so you can't really go wrong!

Friday, 15 November 2013

New houses and pets levelled.

 New Houses -  Housing Tours Out Later Today!
Yay the housing tours are up and running as well as the new world Khrysalis.  I am really looking forward to the housing tours, as are the other members of our wizarding family!
 In terms of our own wizard housing, as well as the fire school house recently purchased for my fire wizard.  Due to incessant recent  farming, my ice wizard was also able to leave her dorms and obtain her first house. ( All houses have been bought with gold )  I went for an ice house, ( Cause shes ice! ). Its pretty much undecorated as yet, but I'm hoping to go for an eternal Christmas theme as the house provides the perfect backdrop for this.

Love the huge Titan statues in the background.
This means, I guess more farming ahead,  for lots of snowy pines and ice related furniture.  Oh well the farming never ends here.  One of my favourite things about the ice house is the hidden cave with a gobbler frozen in the ice.  If you watch him long enough he blinks.

He will blink in the Ice house!

I also levelled my enchanted armour pet to adult,  I knew he was a very, very mixed pet so had no idea what he might manifest.  He is beginning to look though he might be the perfect companion for my death wizard.

Another death related talent!

I will probably keep on levelling him up rather than hatching for different stats.  My death wizard pretty much takes care of her own healing,  so she is not really missing out not having a pet with a heal talent and the enchanted blade card he gives at baby is very, very handy!

Well I'm off to have a good nose around all those tour houses!

Monday, 11 November 2013

So What Exactly Is My Pet

Nightwalker, Deadly Nightwalker?

I have being levelling up my pet Nightwalker,  Queen Trixie. A successful new hatched pet from the hatchery when I realised that I wasn't exactly sure what she actually was.  The Nightwalker pet I had believed was a hybrid pet mix of Wraith and Orthrus,  that gives a Wraith card at baby.  But Trixie gives does not give a spell card until she has reached ancient,  the deadly minotaur card.

Queen trixie, Nightwalker without the Wraith card?
 Apparently there used to be a Deadly Nightwalker pet,  when the hatchery first came out that did give this card!  That pet has been retired,  so maybe Queen Trixie is some strange mix of the Nightwalker and Deadly Nightwalker or maybe she's just a fluke. Maybe all new hatches of the Deadly Nightwalker just get called a Nightwalker as the other pet is now retired. Who knows?  I can't find any reference to what the original retired Deadly Nightwalkers stats were like and a Nightwalker being a hybrid pet, only has a mix of its parents stats.  Either way I'm pleased with the talent Trixie manifested at adult, pain giver.

Queen Trixie getting Adult, Yay.

This leaves alot of epic talents left undiscovered on this Trixie,  so hopefully she'll manifest something worthwhile at ancient as well as giving me the Minotaur card.  To be honest she has not manifested anything from my Onyx Shenlong Dragon I used to hatch with,  but this pet has only be levelled up to ancient and was not a pure mix to begin with.

Trixies unfilled stats.
In order to speed Trixies levelling up along, I have been feeding her as many mega snacks as possible,  she also loves death candy snacks and even though cauliflowers isn't a death candy snack, she still gets a +7 rather than the +6 expected each time.  I guess I'll be concentrating alot more on my gardening for mega's and death candy pet snacks for the next couple of weeks.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Gurtok Barrier Demon The High Lord Of Train Sets.

Gurtok Barrier Demon 100 Battles Farming Results.

With a pet in mind I decided to commit to my standard 100 farming combats with the Gurtok Barrier Demon.  He was rumoured to drop the fire bat pet.  You can find him in Grizzleheim - Ravenscar,  he's a fire boss with 7000 life points.  He doesn't have a minion and forms part of the blood brother quest line.  A couple of things if you do decide to fight/farm him,  he does indeed drop the firebat pet ( Only took until the 82nd fight, Sigh ).  He also drops a nice housing item,  the small toy train set ALOT.  When I say alot I mean it,  it was literally every other fight.  Really 49 fights out of the 100 he dropped that train set!  Whilst its a nice housing item,  it has sound and movement,  the cute little train whizzes around its track,  it becomes really boring if thats all your getting. Still I gritted my teeth, stuck it out and got the pet in the end.  ( Good things aren't supposed to be easy after all are they! ) 
Gurtoks most common drops were the forementioned toy train and the reagent ectoplasm.

Gurtok pre battle

 If you have already fought Gurtok you will need to reset him for battle by clicking 'x ' on any of the braziers in his lair

Go on take another train!
The highlights of Gurtoks drops
Small Toy Train drop
Another Train set, it can go with the other squillion, thanks.

Evil Snow Peas Drop
Yay it wasn't a train
Fire Bat Pet Drop
And finally a firebat, phew.

 A quick summary of the Gurtock barrier demons drops follows.

 If you want to know every item Gurtok dropped and how many times, the data is below;

Headdress of expiry - 7
Cap of substinance - 7
Skystorm cowl - 5

Cloak of divination - 10
Smock of the haruspex - 6
Tunic of the everlasting - 5

Fuming striders - 5
Shoes of serenity - 7

Small toy train set - 49
Huge ice cream - 4

Pink laugh-a-dil - 4
Evil snow peas - 2

Pet snacks
Poncherello chips - 3
Spicy popcorn - 3
Golden candy bar - 4
Golden biscuit - 2
Fairy cake - 4

Fire bat - 1

Treasure cards
Scarecrow - 1

Ectoplasm - 11

Even after 100 fights, its too few to say that this is a definitive list of every item dropped by the Gurtok Barrier Demon or to ascertain an overall percentage for the drop rate of an item. However, I think it definitely highlights what you are likely to get ( a small toy train set ) as well as a few more choice items you may want to work at getting. ( Just remember the guys at wizard can add and remove items from the game ) If you really want to go into the 100 battle drops any further I have the fight number and tally of items received below.

  1. Small toy train, huge ice cream
  2. Small toy train
  3. Small toy train, poncherello chips
  4. Cloak of divination
  5. Cloak of divination
  6. Headdress of expiry, pink laugh-a-dil
  7. Fuming striders, scarecrow treasure card
  8. Cap of substinance
  9. Small toy train
  10. Small toy train
  11. Smock of the haruspex
  12. Headdress of expiry
  13. Small toy train, ectoplasm
  14. Small toy train, huge ice cream
  15. Small toy train, pink laugh-a-dil
  16. Small toy train
  17. Shoes of serenity
  18. Cloak of divination
  19.  Small toy train
  20. Skystorm cowl, pink laugh-a-dil, poncherello chips
  21. Small toy train, poncherello chips, ectoplasm
  22. Smock of the haruspex
  23. Small toy train, huge ice cream
  24. Small toy train
  25. small toy train
  26. Cloak of divination
  27. Small toy train
  28. Headdress of expiry
  29. Small toy train, spicy popcorn, ectoplasm
  30. Small toy train, pink laugh-a-dil
  31. Small toy train
  32. Fuming striders
  33. Small toy train
  34. Cloak of divination, golden candy bar
  35. Tunic of the everlasting
  36. Cap of substinance, ectoplasm
  37. Fuming striders
  38. Small toy train, spicy popcorn
  39. Fuming striders
  40. Cap of substinance
  41. Skystorm cowl
  42. Shoes of serenity, golden candy bar
  43. Skystorm cowl, ectoplasm
  44. Small toy train
  45. Shoes of serenity, golden biscuit
  46. Small toy train
  47. Small toy train
  48. Small toy train
  49. Fuming striders
  50. Shoes of serenity
  51. Small toy train
  52. Small toy train
  53. Cloak of divination
  54. Small toy train
  55. Small toy train
  56. Shoes of serenity, fairy cake
  57. Small toy train
  58. Small toy train
  59. Small toy train
  60. Tunic of the everlasting
  61. Small toy train, ectoplasm
  62. Small toy train
  63. Smock of the haruspex
  64. Small toy train
  65. Skystorm cowl
  66. Cloak of divination, spicy popcorn
  67. Headdress of expiry, golden candy bar
  68. Tunic of the everlasting
  69. Cap of substinance, huge ice cream, ectoplasm
  70. Small toy train
  71. Cap of substinance, ectoplasm
  72. Smock of the haruspex
  73. Headdress of expiry, evil snow peas
  74. Cloak of divination
  75. Small toy train
  76. Cloak of divination
  77. Small toy train, golden biscuit
  78. Shoes of serenity, ectoplasm
  79. Smock of the haruspex
  80. Small toy train
  81. Shoes of serenity
  82. Small toy train, Fire Bat Pet
  83. Tunic of the everlasting
  84. Cap of substinance, ectoplasm
  85. Small toy train
  86. Cap of substinance, fairy cake
  87. Small toy train
  88. Headdress of expiry, Evil snow peas
  89. Small toy train
  90. Small toy train
  91. Headdress of expiry, 
  92. Small toy train
  93. Shoes of serenity, fairy cake
  94. Skystorm cowl
  95. Smock of the haruspex
  96. Small toy train
  97.  Small toy train, fairy cake
  98. Small Toy Train
  99. Tunic of the everlasting
  100. Small toy train, golden candy bar

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Behind The Scenes At Hogwarts.

It's still on the topic of wizards but not those of Wizard 101, we recently had the amazing opportunity to check out the world of Harry Potter at the Warner Bros making of Harry Potter tour.  We decided not to tell the children we were all going so they awoke to a letter ( owl post ) inviting them to Hogwarts and travel trunks with the Gryffindor robes inside.

To say they were excited is a gross underestimation of the mood that morning.  We had to try and tone things down a little because as far as they were concerned they were off to the real Hogwarts, to stay.  As Connor explained ' No moms and dads allowed, I'll see you again at Christmas '

It really is a great place to visit and if you have an interest in Harry Potter you can spend a good few hours looking at all the props, effects and behind the scenes secrets.  On a side note it would have been nice to have more interactive objects as it was pretty much a look but don't touch deal. 

All dressed up outside, ready to go in.

In the great hall.

Waiting for lunch!

Wand selection, a testing time for the young wizard.

The 3D model they have of Hogwarts is amazing.  Its huge,  it blew the childrens minds, they were simply awestruck and I do think they will remember it for the rest of their lives.  Keira being a massive art fan just loved all the concept art drawings for the film as well as the secrets of the special effects.

Some items in the gift shop are a little pricey,  but somethings you just have to buy;

The every flavour beans, be afraid, be very afraid.
Yes these are genuinely every flavour beans,  I still have not yet recovered.  Or rather my tongue will never ever recover from the flavour ' dirt ' It took hours to get the taste out of my mouth and I didn't even eat the thing.  I just bit into it!  No amount of toothpaste, mouthwash or prayers could shift the taste.  It truly was a thing of evil. 

It was a bit of a let down leaving the magic behind to return to the muggle world.  Oh well,  time to start planning our next adventure!

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

My Latest Pet Aquisitions

I thought I'd complete a mini update on some of my latest new/original  ( When I say new/original I mean not a duplication of any pets I currently own ) pet acquisitions.  Some have been bought, some farmed most hatched.
Earning loads of gold from my recent farming I had money to burn, literally.  Using gold I treated myself to some red barn farms, the wysteria mansion and a fire house for my fire wizard. Who was wondering why she didn't have her own school of magic home,  or at least I was informed she felt this way by my son!  I still had a ton of gold left so decided to hang out in the hatchery, one of my favourite pastimes anyway.  OK I did get a fair few duplications but in terms of original pets for myself, but from the hatchery I managed to acquire;

A Nightwalker,  which will give me the death minotaur spell at ancient,  she has a pretty good pedigree too With the very becoming name of Queen Trixie.

  I have levelled her up to teen and he has gained the ability ' drop it ' Pretty handy I suppose.

And a velociraptor.  I haven't levelled her up yet but she looks promising as a companion for my fire wizard.

A Meow Wing was also hatched,  she has unicorn and spritely so far as talents,  which are always useful.

My last,  but probably so far my favourite pet received from the hatchery was the enchanted armour

I am really pleased with this one as the card he gives at baby, enchanted blade lets you add 10% to your blade cards.  Which is a fantastic spell,  a word from the wise.  Use your blade when you get it,  I had a cunning plan to try to let the powered up blades once set up to fall back into my treasure deck.  So I could have an amazing arsenal of blades in my deck.  Great plan,  but no sadly this does not work.  They just disappear if they remain unused.

My farmed pets were the White Rat Magician from Spike the Crusher;

and a Firebat from Gurtok Barrier Demon.

From packs I picked up a scorpion pet,  his not yet levelled up and sorry will try to add a photo,  but he has been * cough * hidden away in one of my wizards houses  By my son playing the game of find where I hid our stuff.
I will let you know how they level up and perform,  so far though I just love that enchanted armour!

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Of Worlds New and Worlds Hinted At.

The new world Khrysalis is now available on the test realm.  Well part one is anyway apparently the end of Morganthe is of such epic proportions it had to be split in two!  Many great blog posts have already being dedicated to this subject but if you want to read on the update notes from Professor Greyrose are here.
It actually got me thinking of the many worlds hinted at ( perhaps we will encounter them later ) as you make your way through the Spiral.

Gobbler World
Firstly there is the world of those hygienically challenged green guys the gobblers.  Merle lets them stay in Colossus Boulevard after they plead to stay as they can't go home.  I believe its implied they would be in danger if they did.  Merle being as altruistic as ever,  lets them stay of course.
I'm not sure what challenges or themes the world of the Gobblers would bring,  lands of ice and gluttony ? Perhaps learning a soap and toothpaste attack spell would set you in good stead?

Do you like cake, I love cake!

 The Kroks where did they come from?
The Kroks they have a long history with the Manders, enslaving them,  then re-enslaving them.  Its implied the Manders were the original race of Krokotopia,  the the Kroks arrived and took over as the dominant race.  Perhaps Krokotopia wasn't even always called that,  it probably wasn't if the Kroks were later arrivals.  Where did those Kroks come from?  It's interesting to think that in real life crocodiles in some form lived alongside the dinosaurs,  maybe in the world of Wizard 101 the Kroks are descendants of the world Azteca lost in space and time.

Tell me you have the crafting ingrediants for a good moisturiser!

The Dogs, Law and Order of the Spiral?
Then you've got all those crazy canines from Marylebone.  The main inhabitants of Marylbone appear to be cats, rats, frogs and the occasional mechanical monster.  If you look at the combatants,  you'll be up against all of those.  Yet you fight no dogs!  The dogs of this world appear to make up the law enforcement and administration departments.  ( So basically they are in charge )  They seem to love exploring you can find them in Krokotopia and Celestia.  Plus there's that nod to Dr Who,  with the professor character ( Does that imply the dogs have access to both time and space travel? )  It would be interesting if the dogs similar to the Kroks were not the natural inhabitants of Marylebone ,  that they were an alien race to that world but ruled it benevolently unlike the Kroks.  OK this train of thought is probably a big what if on my part.  

So do you actually hail from Marylebone, or are you part of a secret police force of the Spiral?

Then four are the worlds directly mentioned  in Wysteria.  Mirage Weirwood, Yago and  Empyria.  It will be interesting to if any of these places are ever mentioned again.

These are just a few of the worlds hinted at,  OK some have pretty direct hints and others are probably me making a mountain out of a molehill.

Friday, 25 October 2013

Wildroot, likes plants! Duh!

Continuing with my boss farming.  After farming Skathi I decided to farm another Grizzleheim boss,  from Savarstaad pass,  Wildroot.
Wildroot is a life boss with 1000 health,  he forms part of the fall tree bowers questline.  Outside of his cave you can occasionally find the reagent ore.  There is also a yardbird located not far from his cave,  by a large hollow log loacted on the path from swiftbranch.
After farming Skathi and getting zero furniture drops but quite a diverse selection of seeds including Couch potatoes ( despite her wiki page saying she dropped fish bones ).  I wanted to find out if wildroots drops would be in a similar vein.  And well they were, I received a grand  zero in terms of furniture but plenty of seeds and yes the desirable couch potatoes seed drop.
Wildroots most common drops were the reagent leather straps and the Cowl of retribution.

Wildroot about to strike!
Couch Potatoes Drop

Coach potatoes and the plant purifier badge :)

 Cowl of Retribution
One of the most common drops!

A quick summary of wildroots drops follows.

For those who want to know every item Wildroot dropped and how many times, the data is below;

Cowl of retribution - 20
Frostweavers hood - 10
Hallowed hood - 1
Ice raiders hat - 3
Cap of dread - 2

Smoke jumpers - 13
Footguards of the disciple - 2
Boots of reflexive might - 1

Glacial longcoat - 1
Fireshroud tunic - 14
Tunic of atarxia - 2
Robe of the life aria - 15
Thanatoid vestment - 1
Vestment of serenity - 1
Rainment of the lifespring - 1
Mystifying rainment - 1
Drape of the white squall - 1

Wyrdrazor - 16
Bodkin of fury - 1

Jewel of liveliness - 12
Seal of the tundra - 3

Pet Snacks
Mooshu broccoli - 3
Tasty biscuit - 3
Flaming carrot - 5
Wild strawberry - 2
Meat soup - 4
Moon pie - 2
Tiny pretzel - 2
Taffy - 4
Orange jalapeno - 4
Dragon fruit - 1

Boomshroom - 2
Honeysickle - 2
Desparagus - 2
Stinkweed - 2
Couch potatoes - 1

Treasure cards 
Troll - 1
Lightening bats - 1
Ghoul - 1
Fire elf - 1

leather straps - 20

After 100 combat events, its still too few fights to say that this is a definitive list of every item dropped by Wildroot or to ascertain an overall percentage for the drop rate of an item. However, I think it definitely highlights what you are likely to get as well as a few more choice items you may want to work at getting.  ( Just remember the guys at wizard can add and remove items from the game )
If you really want to go into the 100 battle drops any further I have the fight number and tally of items received below;

  1. Cowl of retribution, wild strawberry
  2. Cowl of retribution.
  3. Fireshroud tunic
  4. Frostweavers hood,  hallowed hood.
  5. Meat soup, fireshroud tunic, tunic of atarxia, leather straps
  6. Meat soup,  Jewel of liveliness
  7. Cowl of retribution.
  8. Lightening bats TC, smoke jumpers, leather straps.
  9. Wyrdrazor
  10. Moon Pie, cowl of retribution.
  11. Jewel of liveliness.
  12. Fireshroud tunic, leather straps.
  13. Cowl of retribution.
  14. Smoke jumpers
  15. Boomshroom, wyrdrazor, leather straps
  16. Frostweavers hood.
  17. Robe of the life aria, tiny pretzel
  18. Smoke jumpers, taffy
  19. Robe of the life aria, orange jalapeno
  20. Thanatoid vestment, robe of the life aria
  21. Jewel of liveliness, honeysickle
  22. Wyrdrazor, ghoul TC
  23. Jewel of liveliness, taffy
  24. Tunic of atarxia,  jewel of liveliness
  25. Cowl of retribution
  26. Cowl of retribution
  27. Smoke jumpers
  28. Ice raiders hat,  wyrdrazor
  29. Jewel of liveliness, leather straps
  30. Cowl of retribution
  31. Meat soup, frostweavers hood, leather straps
  32. Smoke jumpers
  33. Fireshroud tunic, cap of dread, desparagus
  34. Footguards of the disciple, robe of the life aria
  35. Robe of the life aria, leather straps, leather straps
  36. Cowl of retribution, boomshroom, jewel of liveliness
  37. Orange jalapeno, vestment of serenity
  38. Fieshroud tunic
  39. Frostweavers hood
  40. Wyrdrazor
  41. Wyrdrazor, leather straps
  42. Ice raiders hat, wyrdrazor
  43. Robe of the life aria
  44. Cowl of retribution, leather straps
  45. Moon pie, cowl of retribution
  46. Robe of the life aria, boots of reflexive might
  47. Frostweavers hood, leather straps
  48. Jewel of liveliness, dragon fruit, seal of the tundra
  49. Rainment of the lifespring, smoke jumpers, leather straps
  50. Smoke jumpers
  51. Meat soup, fireshroud tunic
  52. Wyrdrazor, orange jalapeno
  53. Fireshroud tunic, stinkweed, orange jalapeno
  54. Frostweavers hood, fire elf TC
  55. Seal of the tundra,  robe of the life aria
  56. Frostweavers hood, flaming carrot
  57. Jewel of liveliness
  58. Wyrdrazor
  59. Cowl of retribution
  60. Tasty biscuit, cowl of retribution
  61. Mystifying rainment, robe of the life aria
  62. cowl of retribution
  63. robe of the life aria
  64. fireshroud tunic
  65. Fireshroud tunic
  66. Fireshroud tunic, leather straps
  67. Wild strawberry, tasty biscuit, jewel of liveliness
  68.  Troll TC, leather straps,  robe of the life aria
  69. Fireshroud tunic,  mooshu broccoli,  leather straps
  70. Jewel of liveliness, stinkweed
  71. leather straps, smoke jumpers, mooshu broccoli
  72. jewel of liveliness
  73. cowl of retribution
  74. leather straps,  robe of the life aria, leather straps
  75. wyrdrazor
  76. Fireshroud tunic, orange jalapeno
  77. Smoke jumpers, taffy, leather straps
  78. Frostweavers hood.
  79. Fireshroud tunic,  seal of the tundra, tasty biscuit
  80. Smoke jumpers
  81. Cowl of retribution.
  82. Footguards of the disciple,  wyrdrazor,  flaming carrot.
  83. Cowl of retribution, glacial long coat
  84. Robe of the life aria, flaming carrot, honeysickle
  85. Robe of the life aria
  86. Cowl of retribution
  87. Cowl of retribution, tiny pretzel
  88. Bodkin of fury, couch potatoes,searing knife
  89. Robe of the life aria
  90. Smoke jumpers, ice raiders hat
  91. Wyrdrazor, cap of dread
  92. Cowl of retribution, leather straps
  93. wyrdrazor, flaming carrot
  94. Drape of the white squall,  wyrdrazor
  95. Desparagus, smoke jumpers
  96. Smoke jumpers, taffy
  97. Wyrdrazor
  98. Frostweavers hood
  99. Fireshroud tunic
  100. Frostweavers hood,  mooshu broccoli

Friday, 18 October 2013

And Another Halloween Transformation Giveaway !!!!

It seems like at the moment mmorg and warcry are enjoying the same run of Wizard 101 giveaways.  Not that I'm complaining,  I think its wonderful.  Anyway after mmorgs giveaway earlier Warcry are now hosting their Halloween Transformation giveaway.
Again the giveaway is for two one hour temporary transformations.
They will generate a code you just need to enter on the wizard website. The two temporary transformations are randomly selected from the following list

  • Gobbler Transformation
  • Evil Snowman Transformation
  • Fire Elf Transformation
  • Skeleton Transformation
  • Clockwork Golem Transformation
  • Krokomummy Transformation
  • Ninja Pig Transformation
  • Cat Thug Transformation
  • Earth Colossus Transformation
  • Dark Fairy Transformation
  • Draconian Transformation
  • Fire Elemental Transformation
  • Magma Man Transformation
  • War Pig Transformation
  • Rat Thief Transformation
  • Fire Salamander Transformation
  • Skeletal Pirate Transformation
  • Wolf Scout Transformation
  • Wolf Warrior Transformation
  • Cyclops Transformation
  • Minotaur Transformation
 The giveaway has got limited numbers,  so quick get on over,  yes you do have to join their site,  but I think its a small price to pay :)   The giveaway isn't massive but does provide some free Halloween fun. In case you missed the 1st link to the giveaway here is another Warcry Halloween Giveaway

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Level 75 Minion Quest.

Sometimes you miss/fail to notice a game update and I now realise that this has just happened to me.  Level 75+ minions for all schools I had no idea,  or rather just not paid attention * sigh*.  I hadn't had Halston Balestrom recently ask to see me,  at least I don't think I did,  OK maybe I did but just ignored him!!  But upon journeying to Ravenwood with my life wizard,  there he was with my quest ready and waiting.

A badger minion you say, for my life wizard.  Can't wait.

So I was sent off to Marlybone to look out for The Professor.  OK The DR Who references in this character are huge but fun and pleasing for the avid fans like myself.

 The Professor then sent me off to Crab Alley to find King Thermidor who sent me on to The Tower of Peladon, to seek out the theurgic globe of Peladon

Are you a friend of the DR?

OK,  The Tower of Peladon is not really a tower, it's fairly short.   I faced an Ice boss ' Lord Ague ' with 3000 health then went on to face King Finnegan, a death boss with 6000 health after defeating him I was able to collect the globe.  This is not the end of your quest,  ( it would be a bit short otherwise I guess ) after returning the globe to the Professor.  He then sent me on to Zafaria to meet with Kiliman Copperleaf in the Baobab Library to get directions to the Kasbah of Zanj.

Really I have more to do, Professor I'm surprised at you !

Upon reaching the library, Kiliman Copperleaf informs you that the Kasbah of Zanj is no ordinary place,  nope its another tower!

And guarded by more monsters, shocked!

 Again the towers a little short to be considered a tower your first combat is with Sir Bedevere Lake Ward a life boss 1700 health and a Crimson barb knight storm minion with 1500 health.  Sir Bedevere is actually going to become your minion and is being currently manipulated by the Ruthless Gagool ( your next and last combat ).  The Ruthless Gagool in the next room is a death boss with 6500 health,  she's not that bad as an opponent and upon beating her I collected my prize.

Wheres the minion?
I'm not sure if I was facing the right way,  but there was no big spell reward scene rather just a well done message. Now it was back to the professor in Marlybone.  For the final reward some jellybeans and my new spell.

I have not tested out my new minion yet but am looking foward to seeing what he's all about  I have not played a minion for such a long time now, as my wizard had moved on so much that she actually became a hindrance.  So hopefully this will be a massive as I begin to move on towards Azteca.

If you have not picked up you level 75 minion spell yet there are three requirements.

  1. Being a minimum of level 75
  2. Having completed Crab Alley in Triton Avenue*.
  3. Having completed the quest “The Runedown” which gave you your level 55 spell.
    The spell you need to have as a requirement for this quest is:
    1. Availing Hands for Balance Wizards
    2. Virulent Plague for Death Wizards
    3. Power Link for Fire Wizards
    4. Frozen Armor for Ice Wizards
    5. Brilliant Light for Life Wizards
    6. Talos for Myth Wizards
    7. Insane Bolt for Storm Wizards
You also need to have completed Crab alley as you need to go there for the first part of the questline.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Halloween Transformation giveaway

Good news, there is another wizard 101 giveaway over at mmorg.  This one is for two one hour temporary transformations.
They will generate a code you just need to enter on the wizard website. The two temporary transformations are randomly selected from the following list
  • Gobbler Transformation
  • Evil Snowman Transformation
  • Fire Elf Transformation
  • Skeleton Transformation
  • Clockwork Golem Transformation
  • Krokomummy Transformation
  • Ninja Pig Transformation
  • Cat Thug Transformation
  • Earth Colossus Transformation
  • Dark Fairy Transformation
  • Draconian Transformation
  • Fire Elemental Transformation
  • Magma Man Transformation
  • War Pig Transformation
  • Rat Thief Transformation
  • Fire Salamander Transformation
  • Skeletal Pirate Transformation
  • Wolf Scout Transformation
  • Wolf Warrior Transformation
  • Cyclops Transformation
  • Minotaur Transformation
I ended up with the gobbler and skeleton transformation.

All ready for trick or treating?

The giveaway has got limited numbers,  so quick get on over,  yes you do have to join their site,  but I think its a small price to pay :)   The giveaway isn't massive but does provide some free Halloween fun. In case you missed the 1st link to the giveaway here is another. mmorg wizard Halloween giveaway